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Zoning Ordinance In Effect

Rush Township's Zoning Ordinance has been in effect since August 2016.  All residents planning building projects will need a Zoning Permit, issued by Light Heigel and Associates, prior to construction.  There are some exceptions.  Please visit our Ordinances and Permits page for more information.

Electronics Recycling Available at Williams Township

Residents of Rush Township are able to take items for electronics recycling to the Williams Township Municipal Building on Wednesdays from 9:00 AM until 12 Noon.  For more information, including a list of items that are accepted, please visit the Williams Township website at

The Facts on Dog Licenses

Dauphin County has been doing random inspections in the northern municipalities for homes with unlicensed dogs.  Please read the information below to learn about dog licensing in the County.


Am I required by law to license my dog?

Licensing your dog is a state law punishable by up to a $300 fine.  Proceeds from the sales are used to fund the PA Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement Office.  The  Dog Law Enforcement Office is responsible for enforcing kennel licensing and inspection, investigating dog bites, enforcing the rabies law, helping to fund humane societies, seizing and detaining dogs which are at-large, and reimbursing individuals for dog-caused damage to livestock, poultry and game-birds.


How do I purchase a dog license?
Licenses are available through the Dauphin County Treasurer’s office or one of the authorized agents located throughout the county.  For agent information, please contact the Treasurer’s office.  Licenses are also available online at 

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© 2013- 2021 by Rush Township.  Design by Katie Brennan.  All rights reserved.

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